The School of Social Selling

The #1 Sales & Recruiting program for women in Network Marketing who want to create full-time income on part-time hours

Inside The School, you’ll learn the mindset, sales and recruiting strategies to create consistent $4k-$8k months.

The process isn’t as complicated as you think.

You simply meet new people, add value to them, and invite them to experience what you offer.

Then, you’ll overcome any objections to get to a yes.

It’s that simple, and it’s how you’ll double your number of

sign-ups in your first 30 days of implementation.

Does this sound like you?

  • It’s the same people watching you and you’re not converting them

  • You post but nobody comments or engages

  • You don’t know to reach out to people on social media without sounding spammy.

  • You don’t know what to share on social media so you end up not being consistent

  • You’re in a rebuilding phase and you feel lost.

  • You treated your business like a hobby and are ready to take ownership and create $4k-$8k months

  • You aren’t sure how to attract quality business builders who share your vision and passion.

  • You feel like you are annoying people or coming across as salesy.

  • You struggle with consistently recruiting new customers.

  • You’re tired of chasing after people and hounding them to get to a yes.

  • You feel like you have tapped out your warm market.

  • You hit a rank only to backslide into rebuilding… again.

If so, you’ll learn everything you need in The School to build a successful Social Selling Business.

Over close to a decade, I have coached thousands of women in network marketing to create results, double sales and recruiting, and finally make meaningful income as a social seller.

Through the combination of live coaching, targeted classrooms, interactive clinics and community, you’ll learn:

Join the #1 Sales & Recruiting program

Join the #1 Sales & Recruiting program

  • How to attract team members who are all in and willing to put in the work

  • The steps to become a go-to resource to your best people through content that converts

  • How to recruit consistent customers and team members who say yes in conversations and follow-through

  • How to grow your business in a way that feels aligned and purposeful, and has people coming to you.

  • The exact steps to expand your audience and find your people to break out of your warm market.

  • The neuroscience approach to creating confidence through income producing thoughts to help you take action like a full-time social seller.

  • What it feels like to create consistent $4k-$8k months and experience full-time freedom!


When you enroll in The School of Social Selling, you’ll receive immediate access to the complete online curriculum.

No waiting! You can choose to binge all the content over a weekend or take it one step at a time with our 30-Day Curriculum Guide. This is your step-by-step roadmap for exactly how to use the School to double your sales or recruiting results in your FIRST 30 days.

Once you are in, you’ll have a full year access to all of the content.


  • Develop the Mindset of a Social Seller earning $4k-$8k months

  • Leverage the Self-Leadership Triangle to effectively manage your mindset, manage your time, and your systems

  • Learn to overcome limiting beliefs using powerful neuro-science backed tools proven to build confidence and follow-through

  • Create better results in less time with the 3-Step Clockwise Time Management Process

  • Step into the role of CEO of your business with proven systems to succeed including the Win-the-Week Tracker


  • Learn how and where to find your people to exponentially grow your cold market in less than one hour per week.

  • Discover how to build a personal brand to stand out and create content that attracts your ideal audience to you.

  • Learn how to build authentic connections in the DM’s without feeling weird or desperate.

  • Identify exactly what to post and what's missing in your content strategy with the 5-Step content checklist. 

  • Double your reach in 2 weeks with the Visibility Sandwich Technique

  • Leverage the 12-week content plan for quick and effective content creation.

03. Your Next 5 Customers in 30 Days

  • Never run out of people to invite again with the Simple Sales Funnel.

  • Create compelling, high-converting Call to Actions.

  • Close customer conversations at 90% without forced scripts using 3 Simple Steps.

  • Learn how to navigate the most common customer objections with certainty. 

  • Create confidence in enrolling new customers, regardless of your social selling experience.

04. Your Next 5 Recruits in 30 Days

  • Understand how to position yourself as a Dream Business Mentor so ideal team members reach out to you.

  • Learn my signature Triple A Recruiting process for consistently enrolling team members in the DM’s or on 1:1 calls.

  • How to Create, Market and Convert using a Group Recruiting Format/Webinar.

  • Develop an understanding of why someone doesn't buy from you and how to fix it with our overcoming recruiting objections training.

  • Learn the Step-by-Step process to convert customers to team members

  • Leverage the proven Team Calendar process to balance marketing to customers and the business with ease.


I recruited 5 people in my first 30 days

My business was stagnant, it was not growing, and I felt stuck. I have used the 3 step recruiting process and this month alone so far have recruited 5 people. “I feel amazing and on fire!  I’m loving The School so much!!! It has given me so much clarity and my business is finally taking off.


I went from 0 partners to 2 and one has already rank advanced this week and the other is half way there.

I felt lost before joining the school regarding a structured system/plan for my business. It has helped me focus my time and feel confident discussing the business opportunity!  I went from 0 partners to 2 in the past 30 days, and 5 new customers.  Not only that- one has already rank advanced this week and the other is half way there. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about my business in a long time. You can get training anywhere, but the school is unique. Rachael knows how we think, and gives the best coaching based on our individual needs.It's been a game changer for me & I invested it TWICE now!


I went from recruiting 1 person per month on average to 6 in the last month!

Since joining the School, I began to believe that this is a serious business. I started talking, inviting and positioning myself like the expert that I am. I had also been trying a lot of different sales tactics without sticking to anything too long because nothing felt right. When Rachael told me to do it one way, using her recruiting process and keeping going until my closing rate was 100%, I did just that.


 I enrolled 3 customers and 2 builders after being at ZERO.

I was stuck recruiting ZERO. Not recruiting at all for an entire year. BELIEF has always been my biggest missing piece. I've been consistent for years but the belief part was majorly missing. I was so tired of hearing "you just have to believe in yourself" without receiving any real direction on HOW to actually do that. The School has been an absolute game changer for belief AND strategy. The 1:1 recruiting calls have been soooo helpful to learn as well. I enrolled 3 customers and 2 builders, and truly feel like I am ON MY WAY!!! It's hands down the best program there is. I was always seeing ads for other programs before and I have invested in many thinking "THIS will be the thing that changes my business"....and yet there were never any huge changes. Since enrolling into the school I never even look at any programs because I know the School IS IT!! I also know that I don't want to work with anyone other than Rachael because she is a BOSS and an answered prayer.


In the past 60 days, I have enrolled 5 new business

Before The School of Social Selling, I enjoyed my business, but I felt like it was all over the map. I struggled with inviting people to recruiting conversations and then didn’t know what to do once I got in them. My recruiting was never consistent, maybe one a month.  In the past 60 days, I have enrolled 5 new business builders.  I finally feel Confident, capable, and like a leader, who can help other women do the same. 


I had 6 new recruits start with me earlier this month, and a seventh who enrolled tonight! I finally have the confidence to invite

My business was consistent with signing up clients but recruiting was my struggle. I didn’t have the confidence to invite to the business opportunity and felt like I didn’t have the tools to provide. What was mainly missing was a plan of action & strategy to invite. Joining The School has been a game changer. I’ve learned how to ask the right questions rather than word vomiting. I feel more confident than I ever have! I Love having this community behind me who gets the process and to ask questions. 


What's included in
the School of Social Selling:


 On-Demand Comprehensive

Sales and Recruiting Curriculum

Get access to our part-time hours friendly online portal. Designed to be implemented in pockets of time, the portal is packed with classrooms, worksheets and videos to help you create real results in less time.


Closing Clinics +

Content Workshops

Take the guesswork out of if you are doing it right.  During our closing clinic + Content Workshops Recruiting Clinics we will share real examples and show you step by step examples on how to overcome objections, create content that converts and conduct recruiting conversations that lead to new business builders You will leave knowing what to say and how to say it in a way that results in more customers and team members 


Private Podcast

Access all the teaching and coaching on the go with our exclusive private podcast. This makes it easy to get the coaching you need anytime and anywhere. 





  • This program is for all social sellers who have a desire to create consistent $4k-$8k months on part-time hours.  We have students from 19 different companies in the industry.  This includes network marketers with: no customers & a small Audience, Some Customers and Team Members, and those with a larger customer and audience base.  We also have those who are working full-time in another business, have a 9-5 day job, work part-time. Some of the student have no children and others have 1-5+ Children.  Some have no formal education and other have Multiple degrees.  The process works for everyone who works it.

  • You will have lifetime access to all the materials and live coaching including the curriculum in the private portal, call replays and all bonuses. 

    • On-Demand Access to Curriculum including 4 Modules: Self-Leadership, Attraction Marketing, Enroll 5 Customers in 30 days, Recruit 5 Team Members in 30 days. 

    • Private Podcast to listen to coaching call replays and curriculum on the go

    • Bonuses: The Double Club Reward Program, The Closing Clinic, 30-Day Recruiting Content Guide, Content Workshop and Customizable Time Box Audit

  • Most of the students who complete the course-work and watch or participate in the coaching calls see results in the first 30 days, with the majority of them doubling their sales and/or recruiting results.  We have a step-by-step process to complete everything you need to accomplish this in our 30 Days to Double Club Guide.  

  • If your goal is to consistently enroll new customers and recruit new business builders so you can create full-time income on part-time hours, the School of Social Selling is for you. The program was designed to provide a step-by-step process and coaching to create consistent results regardless of how long you've been in the industry including the fundamentals of self-leadership: managing your mind, time and systems,  the foundational principles of attraction marketing along with more advanced strategies for recruiting, and sales and recruiting mastery.  



I have taken countless programs and yours is the first one that is making a huge difference.

I Retired from Corporate and now I’m building a team 20 hours a week from home. Before I joined the School, My business was flat and so was m]y self belief. The joyful business journal and strategy have helped accelerate my mindset and taking action. I have taken countless programs and yours is the first one that is making a huge difference. In the past month, I’ve enrolled 4 new customers and 1 builder!


From 1 person enrolled to 5 Team Members

After 11 years, I lost my enthusiasm for my business along the way. I felt stuck and unclear with what I wanted and why I was doing this. I even felt lost in my own journey. The weekly mindset calls and connections from other members helped me to see that I wasn’t alone in feeling this way. Hearing others being coached allowed me to also be coached and relearn sales and recruiting strategy to succeed. I started believing in myself and my message again. I went from 1 person enrolled each month to 5 team members in the past 30 days. I’m so glad I made the decision to invest in this program and the community. It’s helped reignite my passion again.


I quit my J-O-B to work my business full time!

I felt like I was Throwing spaghetti at the wall before The School of Social Selling! I felt miles away from my peers and upline, even though I had massive success with the products. I have learning exactly how to Develop relationships and usemy genuine love of serving to help people rather than being obsessed with the sale. I already recruited 2 builders this month, and I can see my success unfolding! Very exciting - LETS GO!I am so so glad I decided to invest in my business with the School!


Prior to SOSS I had recruited a TOTAL of 3 people into the business. Now, I have recruited 9 partners + one of which has already rank advanced

I LOVE that there is strategic business growth talk in the School. A lot of the training that I have received from my upline & the company is mindset driven, but I was looking for more strategic results driven actions. I have a sales background and I knew I could do it, I was just missing the recruiting process. I love that you come in from a place of strategies, results, AND mindset. And the trust trio really helps with adjusting the small things I say and the way I show up to generate higher recruiting numbers.  Prior to SOSS I had recruited a TOTAL of 3 people into the business, none of which even held their own active status. Since joining SoSSI have recruited 9 partners, one of which has already rank advanced & 6 holding their active status! 


The Investment


LifetimeAccess Offer $997

VALUED AT $4,050


  • The Joyful Business Journal + Mindset Mastery Course ($497)

  • ClockWise Time Management Process ($197)

  • Social Selling Systems to Succeed Tracker ($97)

  • The Attraction Marketing Course including Building a Personal Brand ($397)

  • Personalized IG Audit ($197)

  • 12 Week Done for you Content Creation

    Guide ($197)

  • Recruiting Content Guide ($97)

  • Creating Valuable Content Workshop ($97)

  • Content Checklist for Lead Generation Guide ($97)

  • Signature Sales + Recruiting Mastery Courses ($997)

  • Simple Sales Funnel Process ($97)

  • The Closing Clinic ($197)

  • 1:1 Recruiting Conversation Guide ($97)

Most Flexible Option 2 Payments of $597

VALUED AT $4,050


  • The Joyful Business Journal + Mindset Mastery Course ($497)

  • ClockWise Time Management Process ($197)

  • Social Selling Systems to Succeed Tracker ($97)

  • The Attraction Marketing Course including Building a Personal Brand ($397)

  • Personalized IG Audit ($197)

  • 12 Week Done for you Content Creation

    Guide ($197)

  • Recruiting Content Guide ($97)

  • Creating Valuable Content Workshop ($97)

  • Content Checklist for Lead Generation Guide ($97)

  • Signature Sales + Recruiting Mastery Courses ($997)

  • Simple Sales Funnel Process ($97)

  • The Closing Clinic ($197)

  • 1:1 Recruiting Conversation Guide ($97)

Client Love


Client Love 〰️