Rachael Bodie Rachael Bodie

Blog Post Title One (Copy)

I enrolled 3 customers and 2 builders after being at ZERO.

I was stuck recruiting ZERO. Not recruiting at all for an entire year. BELIEF has always been my biggest missing piece. I've been consistent for years but the belief part was majorly missing. I was so tired of hearing "You just have to believe in yourself" without receiving any real direction on HOW to actually do that. The School has been an absolute game changer for belief AND strategy. The 1:1 recruiting calls have been soooo helpful to learn as well. I enrolled 3 customers and 2 builders, and truly feel like I am ON MY WAY!!! It's hands down the best program there is. I was always seeing ads for other programs before and I had invested in many thinking "THIS will be the thing that changes my business"....and yet there were never any huge changes. Since enrolling into the school I never even look at any other programs because I know the School IS IT!! I also know that I don't want to work with anyone other than Rachael because she is a BOSS and an answered prayer.


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Rachael Bodie Rachael Bodie

Blog Post Title One

I went from recruiting 1 person on average a month to 6 in the last month!!

Since joining the School, I began to believe that this is a serious business. I started talking, inviting and positioning myself like the expert that I am. I had also been trying a lot of different sales tactics without sticking to anything too long because nothing felt right. When Rachael told me to do it one way, using her recruiting process and keeping going until my closing rate was 100%, I did just that.


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Rachael Bodie Rachael Bodie

Blog Post Title Two

I recruited 5 people in my first 30 days

My business was stagnant, it was not growing, I felt stuck. I have used the 3 step recruiting process and this month alone so far have recruited 5 people. I’m loving The School of Social Selling so much!!! It has given me so much clarity and my business is finally taking off.


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